Belog ini adalah dari idea penulis sendiri dan kalau ada plagiat tu maka penulis akan kreditkan kepada tuan empunya. oh ya, untuk bacaan umum, cuma kekadang ada diselitkan kelucahan yang kadarnya tidak berapa melampau. oh ya, sila hubungi saya di sini;

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ngangkung is not a stupid movie at all pun, but ‘Aku Masih Dara’ punya trailer pun dah nampak macam very bodoh punya story lah. But hey, can’t wait lah wanna watch ‘the Chronicles of Merong Mahawangsa’.

Good morning upper east side.
Dah lama feel like to say good morning to all of you. But you know, I wake up everyday pun not morning anymore. Teeheee…
Thank you for those yang keep reading my entry, and also for those yang keep dropping on my blog. And not forget for those yang leave a comment and feedback. Thank you again. Sayang lah you alls… :D
one utama
Semalam was a very tired day for me I guess. I when for watched movie with one of my friend dekat OU. Oh, sooo…. Lama tak keluar feeling like “hey it is what we called KL?” I think KL people was change already lah. Mana taknya, I feel like to humban keluar the two people in the train, when they playing the comolot game plus raba-raba and all that kat depan public. Plus nampak pulak girls yang dress up macam nak buat strip dance ke hape? All their asset nak terjojol keluar. Very sexy girl from Kuala la la la la Lumpur lah tu konon.  Huh, so irritating. But wait, maybe all of you feel like “what damn hell pingguava is doing? It is he buang tebiat to speaking all time?” Hey, don’t get me wrong. I am not buang tebiat ok, but I practice my English.
Ok fine. Let’s make it easy. I just thinking my bahasa is not very good then my English. Oh, please don’t say me poyo or bajet or something like that, cause I think I very bad in bahasa, and I feel stupid when I speaking in Malay. Oh, poyo me heh? HAHAHAHAHA. But actually I am not well in English too, tapi apa yang boleh dibanggakan is my Bahasa in my spm result is B4 compare to my English is A2. And what is more membanggakan is, my BEL got A for the final exam. Can you believe that? so, in other word is, i now tengah giler riak bacause dapat A for  BEL. heeeee... So, I realize now. I need to more and more and more speaking in English rather than bahasa. And yes, I think broken English pun it’s ok lah kan. Yet, still I am speaking kan?
Ok now let back to basic the topic. Oh pasal apa eh? Oh ya, movie!
My friend wanna watch ngangkung and I seboleh-bolehnya try to seduce him to watch The Social Network. Well, you know la, malay movie is something yang macam same story line and the lawak is very bodoh and slapstick and cliché as well. But then, I don’t know how he can pujuk me to watch the Ngangkung. Don’t ever cross in my mind to watch Malay movie at all, plus I am very menyampah dekat apa nama actress tu? Iera Syazira eh? Ha, dia la tu. I don’t know why I very sakit hati when I look at her. But it’s ok I just watch the movie cause my friend promise me to belanja me Paparich if I tengok that movie. So, I just follow. 
Ngangkung is not a stupid movie pun I guess. And I had a lot of laughing at the panggung. It is so funny. Berdekah-dekah and even my tears is going out, gelak punya pasal la. Oh ya, before the story start usually ada trailer from the coming movie kan. So, before the funniest, stupidest and craziest Ngangkung start, there is the ‘Aku Masih Dara’ punya trailer. And I think AMD is tak masuk akal punya movie lah. Boleh ke dia buat movie macam tu. And one of the dialog in the movie is, “pakai tudung lah nak tutup love bite tu, semua orang sekarang ni pakai tudung sebab nak tutup benda tu je (which mean refer to the stupid love bite)” and I feel like, “hey, you are trying to fitnah all the people yang wearing tudung” and I also thinks that the minah yang cakap macam tu is stupid and idiot and bodoh and apa-apa aje lah because she still don’t know the petua to tutup the love bite selain dari pakai tudung. Sia-sia je jadi perempuan rosak akhlak if nak tutup benda sekecil tu pun have no idea. You still can wear mafla, the turtle-neck shirt or you can sapu minyak panas kat area yang ada love bite tu. Tu pun tak tahu ke? Or you need the tutorial? Huh!
But still, I feel like the story macam sangat lucah cause again ada dialog yang sangat irritating when Farid Kamil, if I not mistaken said “aku sangap lubang,” oh, pellisssss lah. What story you trying to show to us ha? Cuba lah buat movie macam yang KRU buat tu. It different rather than the different. KRU I think have a lot of idea to menarik perhatian orang to watch their movie. They no need babak-babak lucah to attract people to watch their movie pun. David teo punya pasal lah ni, “saya punya film ha, lemih manyak mengelinsapkan olang,” ceit. Yang menginsafkan tu the last five minutes punya cerita. Yang lagi 110 minit tu apa celita? Celita pasal sangap lubang ka? Haiyaa…
But then, speaking bout KRU. Semalam also, I bought the Maskulin magazine. Then, inside it had the upcoming movie punya synopsis. Oh, I just know that KRU is produces the new movie that called “the Chronicles of Merong Mahawangsa” that is direct by Yusry Abd Halim. I think the Merong Mahawangsa is a movie yang should all people watch. I know ramai people yang not very interesting to watch movie yang ada sifat sejarah. But, try to watch it. I watch the trailer in you tube and I can feel when I watch it. I tell you what, this story is use the actors and actress from all over the world. Basically the movie is about pertembungan two emperors, east and west. The pelakon pun ramai yang berbangsa asing. Which are terdiri daripada pelakon from Australia, Denmark, China, and also Malaysia.  And what the interesting part is, the movie use 70% English, 20% Malay, and 10% Chinese. Wow, where you can find movie that produce by anak Malaysia yang guna more than half English as bahasa pengantar in a movie. And, dengar cerita this movie also akan dipasarkan ke luar Negara. Cerita yang sangap lubang tu boleh pergi antarabangsa ke? “haiyaa… ini celita ha, mau menalik penonton malaysia saja ma… lagipun ma, ini film ciput punya bajet ma..” Ceit…
Oh ya, Merong Mahawangsa were acted by Stepehen Rahman, also Umie Nazeera, Umie Aida, Dato Rahim Razali, Khir Rahman, Mano Maniam and ramai lagi. Click HERE for more info. And HERE for the trailer.
P/S: macam ini punya cerita baru boleh angan-angan dapat patpulohjuta. $_$
Penat jugak cakap dalam bahasa inggeris ni.
Tapi tak pe. Dah banyak improvement dah. Chill :D


Anonymous said...

nyangkung memang lawak..haha.btw aku masih dara 2 macm syurga cinta je,just tukar yg baik tu laki pulak.huhu.btw mmg aku nak tgk merong mahawangsa 2.huhu

pinkguava said...

hahahhaahhaaha.... mmg lawak giler la... kih33.. tp aku masih dara dia punya dialog tu mmg macam lucah la..